10 New Year’s Resolutions to Make You a Better Communicator

Jayson DeMers
4 min readNov 9, 2020


Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

It doesn’t matter who you are, where you work, what your goals are, or what you’ve done to this point. Universally, there is an inherent advantage in being a better communicator. On a team, you’ll have fewer miscommunications and stronger influence. As an employee, you’ll carry more influence and respect from your bosses and supervisors. As an entrepreneur, you’ll have an easier time managing employees, updating your partners and investors, and even securing new clients — giving your business an edge in a number of different areas simultaneously.

As we begin the next year, I encourage you to make 10 New Year’s resolutions for yourself, all of which can make you a better communicator:

1. Adopt a Few New Mediums. When someone says “communicate,” what do you think of? Speaking? Calling? Texting? Skyping? FaceTiming? Facebooking? The options for communication are practically limitless, and every platform has its own advantages and disadvantages. Next year, try to break out of your shell; adopt a handful of new mediums that you’ve never tried or that you gave up some time ago. Become better acquainted with the protocols, strengths, and weaknesses, of each.

2. Meet More Strangers. If you only talk to the same people over and over, you’ll never develop as a communicator. Make it a point to talk to more people you’ve never spoken to before. They could be new people at networking events or strangers on the street — it doesn’t matter. Strike up a basic conversation with small talk and see where it leads.

3. Ask More Questions. Asking questions does two things; it forces you to think through the conversation at hand, making you more invested, and it gives your conversation partner more opportunities to give you information. You’ll walk away in a better position and with more information — what more could you ask for?

4. Strive for Specificity. In every conversation — in person, online, or other — look for more opportunities to be specific. Do you reference “a project”? What project would that be? Are you “too busy”? Too busy with what? Specificity gives you more credibility and also forces you to think through your statements carefully.

5. Trim the Fat. All of us are guilty of bloated communication at one point or another. Filler words in conversation like “um” or “uh,” and expanded requests like “It would be nice if you could do this for me” instead of “please do this for me” take more of everyone’s time and dilute your meaning. Strive for simpler, more concise forms of communication in every medium.

6. Address Your Main Point Earlier. When you write an email or long text message, how long does it take you to get to your main point? Chances are, it’s somewhere in the middle of your draft. Strive to include your main point as early as possible to capture your reader’s attention. The same can be true for vocal conversations as well — make your intentions clear from the beginning. It saves a lot of time.

7. Practice Better Body Language. Body language isn’t important for online interactions, but in person it’s even more important than the vocabulary you use. Practice better body language in front of a mirror or with a family member, and introduce it into real situations. Keep a straight, upright posture, breathe deep, look people in the eyes, and remain in an open, inviting position.

8. Prepare for More Interchanges. How often do you “wing” a client call or show up to a presentation planning to improvise? It’s possible to over-prepare, but for the most part, preparation is always a good thing. Think about your words, the order of your speech, and possible rebuttals that could come up before any interchange. You’ll be glad you did — on more than one occasion.

9. Practice Humility in Every Conversation. You don’t know everything. You aren’t good at everything. There’s a lot of world out there you haven’t discovered, and a lot of details you’re missing even in your own area of expertise. It’s good to be confident in your opinions in conversations, but don’t neglect the practice of humility. Admit when you don’t know something. Embrace dissenting opinions. You’ll be seen as wiser and more approachable, and you’ll stand to learn more as well.

10. Talk Less and Listen More. This is key. The more you listen to other people, the more information you have, the wider and more sympathetic your vocabulary will become, and the more perspectives you’ll be able to incorporate into your life. The less time you spend talking, the more time you can spend listening, and listening is only going to help you. Listen to your bosses, mentors, teammates, employees, relatives, and even perfect strangers — everyone has something they can teach you.

As with all New Year’s resolutions, there’s one caveat to ensuring you get the benefits from these practices: you have to remain committed to them. Doing them once or twice in January isn’t going to cut it — you need to practice them, daily if possible, for months before you start to reap the real results. Communication, like any other skill, demands prioritization and repetition to improve.



Jayson DeMers
Jayson DeMers

Written by Jayson DeMers

CEO of EmailAnalytics (emailanalytics.com), a productivity tool that visualizes team email activity, and measures email response time. Check out the free trial!

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